Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Happy/Sad Start/Finish to a new beginning!

Well, the word is all out this week, I am going to close up shop at the Studio July 15, 2010. I am putting in many, many hours with a lot of new responsibility at my nursing job with DaVita. I am not able to spread myself thin enough for my kiddos, husband, job, me...haha!

I am going to still be doing location work, I am keeping all my equipment, lights, backgrounds, etc. and will still be able to be creative, however, just not with the overhead of the studio costs! A huge thank you to the Johnston's they have been the best landlords and very supportive, so if anyone knows of someone who needs to rent a nice building space that is versatile, see Mark or Teresa at Johnston Communications!!

A big thank you to all who have made the last 2 years very successful for me! I have had a blast being a part of your family's history!

Keep the calls coming, I will be doing sessions until July 15!

Take care and thanks for following the blog!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Slacker Blogger

Hello all, this has been a crazy last couple of weeks, a lot of work at DaVita, we just got all new machines, which if you don't know, is a lot of crap work! I have been at the Atlantic clinic most everyday and still worked in DSM at the Iowa Methodist DaVita clinic this past weekend. Whew!

Adam, the kids and I enjoyed some good DSM time, we got up there Friday night, watched some movies then I had an early 330am wake up call, worked at DaVita all day then went to Cathy and Matt's wedding in Pella, wow that sure was a beautiful ceremony, church and day! I have never been to Pella so it was great to drive around and see the history!

Sunday we went swimming at the apartment pool and took a nice walk, we then went to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid which was hilarious!

Can't wait for Becky and Chad's wedding this weekend in Ankeny! So excited for them they are such a great couple!
This picture above is my sister-in-law, brother-in-law and sweet nieces! Their session was Easter morning and had a lot of great portraits come out of it. Also, using some of my new actions from Jen's Fabulous Stuff! Love it!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Schizophrenic Iowa Weather

Now, how is it that every day off I have, which is Thursdays during the week, it is crappy weather! I think it is a conspiracy. I am working from home today, getting caught up on proofing, ordering and social networking! Haha! I am also getting ready for my Spring Event Fair, I had one in the Fall, it was great, small being the first one I had coordinated but want to try to do 2 a year. It is falling on Easter weekend which could be both good and bad, so we will see.

Addison is kicking Andrew and I's butts at Connect 4. We have the four-player version and that little girl is good!

I hope this finds everyone well, some people are saying it is snowing in their area, some raining and some had tornados last night! Geesh!

Take care

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Sun is out!

Happy March everyone! Things are busy in the Wainwright household! Addy and Andrew are still loving school - thank goodness! Addison is a great chicken dance-r and head-n-shoulders-knees-n-toes girl!

This is Senior Rep time, I am so excited for this years Representatives! I have one from several schools and have so many cool surprises planned for them this year! It will be exciting to see the 2010 Seniors graduate and go onto College! This is the 2nd year of having Reps and it has been so fun, Seniors are by far my favorite session to shoot! Everything is different and original and I love scouting out interesting off the wall places that no one would think would be cool - and are!

DaVita is still great, working a lot of hours, have a lot more responsibility now at my home clinic in Atlantic, and am at Iowa Methodist a couple days a week too! Learning a lot and am celebrating my 1 year anniversary today with them!

Planning my Spring Event fair for April 3, from 1-4pm at the Studio, it is two fold good and bad, it is Easter weekend so there will be a lot of people in the area, but also people are going out of town for the weekend! So we will see!

Got my new Shootsac! Haven't used it on a session yet but I have to say, I am rocking it around my house really well! I am a dork!

Thanks for reading! Can't wait for everyday summer!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cold and Snowy Iowa...ugh!

Hello All that are out there in the land of reading blogs, glad you are here, I am still new to this so experimenting and investigating others blogs too! Kids are off to school, I am finally at home for the day--no dialysis machines insight, only my camera (with my new - strap) and a day full of sessions booked! Ah...what a good day!

Hope this finds everyone well, off to design some new marketing pieces and get down to the studio here soon!
